Monday, February 21, 2011

I Am Going to Be a Writer!

Yup, you heard me. I am going to be a writer. I have decided that. Also, I am going to publish my work and become a published writer. I know I can write, I do it all the time. Hell, I am writing, so to speak, right now. I like to write, I enjoy it. Also, I like to read, so after wards, I can read what I write. AND, I am a multi talented writer. I can write poetry, articles, essays, short stories, and I am trying to grow into longer facets of writing too. I need a bit of work keeping up my motivation and inspiration, and I also need to learn more about plot and character development. But I have the basic needs and skills of a good write, at least I think so. You need passion for it, a good mind, a creative and innovative eye, and be able to think about things in a new way. I am pretty sure I have all that, plus I also have my own unique look on life and my own special way of thinking about things. 

I have quite a collection of poems that I feel are decent enough to be a part of a literary magazine or journal and I am mature enough now to share them and not feel any shame that maybe I am being a stupid little bint, wasting others and my own time trying to become something so, what other people would call, un-needed.

Writers are needed. They allow people to read and explore worlds never thought of before. Writers create some of the cheapest and best getaways imaginable and some of my fondest memories come from either writing or reading. Reading has always been a way for me to escape the day. It is like most girls day at the spa and most guys time with his pals or sports or something. So what more could I want then to present some one else who has the need to read a lovely book to help them leave reality for a bit. 

So it is decided, I will send in some of my poetry to a publisher and see what they say, then improve or succeed from there!

1 comment:

  1. Please let me be the first to welcome, encourage, and congratulate you. I too feel that there are a lot of capable writers out there, and most of them have something they'd like to say that the world should read.

    The existing publishing hegemony is daunting. It's hard to get published, but some people get lucky and are picked up on the first attempt. Most endure rejections by the dozens, or hundreds, but don't let rejection letters stop you. I've been rejected. Stephen King, Piers Anthony, heck even Mark Twain has been rejected. So, you'll be in good company.

    It's not the rejections that count. It's the ones that accept you that count! Nothing will impact you more than the editors comments and feedback. If you're like me, you'll feel a little withered, but you get over that fast. Most of the editors I've known love me for my candor, and were often surprised that I'm willing to change things.

    Feedback is your ally. Corrections make you stronger. :) Submit, and submit again, until you are in print. And by the gods that may or may not be, I hope you link to it when you get it!

