Its a long story but its my blog and its your choice to read it or not. Honestly I am hoping that you are gonna read it, and be so completely moved that you...idk...shit your pants or something. Anyways here the story goes:
Damian Crow is a beautiful, wonderful man. I love him. Dont get this confused with me being in love with him. Granted I am attracted to him and i would totally want to screw his brains out, but i am not in love with him. But he had a blog. It was dedicated to police brutality....then spread into conspiracy theories, the occult, and the creation of a one world government. It was an awesome blog, had videos, articles, links and a bunch of other neat things. Many hours of my time were spent watching those videos and talking about them with him.
Soon his blog was simply deleted, they said he broke the TOS for the site. This was not true, i read them myself. But this is another story, that one may be told soon, if I want my blog to be deleted. Since he was arguing with them he just made an extra profile page on the site we were both on to document all the sites and videos he had gathered.
Soon I created a forum so more people could access the videos. We wanted the word to get out to people, we wanted them to be informed and learn the truth. But then that site owner caused some trouble with Damian. Yet another story. So he deleted his account on there too. From there on out i was alone in my quest to help inform people. Damian had gone away with personal problems and moving and I was stuck. I was sad and alone. My forum was falling apart and no one was posting.
So now here, in order to get back every part of Damian I can I want to instill part of him in my blog. I am going to post about war, peace, and anything he would have posted about in his blog. Not that I am going to stop posting other things. I love my spazzy, random, silly threads. He loves my spazzy, random, silliness so that will not change. :)
i love you