Dun-na-nun!!! Water Joe! Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, you morons, its Water Joe. Part water, part awesome, this water has a serious kick. What is this awesome you ask? What is this kick you ask? I will tell you! Its caffeine, YES CAFFEINE! Just plain ol' water with caffeine in it. I think a very ingenious idea indeed. Plus you know those nifty powders that ahve the caffeine in them already? stick one of them in your Water Joe and wah lah! double caffeine brother. You just got yourself the best thing since regular Water Joe. So, now, go buy yourselves a few bottles of this stuff, drink it, and be amazed. Then email water joe and let them know that I am doing their PR for them so I can maybe make a bit of money. =D
I always knew they're capable of making real good things.