Justin Walker He is...idk what..to me, but its very important. I love him, I can honestly say that. I cant say like a brother though, because that would be weird. Justin has been there and he is going through a hard time right now and I am sad for that but my heart goes out to him, as does every ounce of hope i can generate. Justin Walker, i WILL remember you.
Summer What about it doesnt have life pounding through it? You have drunken nights, summer love, summer lust, the weather OH! the beautiful weather. Its a season where the earth is just alive, its at its peak of aliveness! flowers bloom, trees billow, animals prance wildly. You got water, the very essence of life, all around you. the entire season is based off of it. I LOVE SUMMER. it keeps me coming back every year.
Jeans Imma say it, i like me some jeans. they are a staple to everything i wear. I go out and its a nice shirt with jeans. i am casual its a t shirt with jeans I am working its a ratty old shirt with jeans. jeans are what i wear, if they made jean underwear i would start wearing undies more often.
Drugs I am part of a cult called DRUGS, its a lovely little place full of the chillest people i have known. I am tlaking about regular drugs too though. everything is a drug, nicotine, caffine, THC. whatever, who cares. I have done drugs before, yes, they have taught me important life lessons, they have taught me, desicion making skills, they have taught me self control. I have learned what drug addict is, but also what a drug addict isnt. I saw things while on drugsthat made me ponder my way of life, it made me ponder where i am going in life, it has made me think about things i wouldnt have otherwise. thank god for drugs
Books Books, like drugs, have made me think. They have also provided hours upon hours of entertainment and education. Books take me away from where i am a gently set me in another world, where people perils are greater than mine, where some peoples lives are that of a tragedy. They remind me that while my day may suck, some one else is much, much worse off.
Nail Polish I once wrote a poem called "Ode to a bottle of Black Nail Polish" its awesome, its great, i love it dearly. all of it, every color you can imagine. i love slicking on the color, watching my hand be transformed from merely a hand, to a piece of art! viva la nail polish
Music It sounds so generic but i do enjoy music. I mean when something happens in my life, i have to find the most fitting song, there is always, ALWAYS a song that goes to any event that happens to me, whether it be mvoving out, getting a boyfriend, braking up, finding a job whatever! there is one out there, and i intend to keep my soundtrack going.
Me, Myself, and I Its true, i keep myself going. not to toot my own horn, but i am awesome. I genuinely think so, if i wasnt then why would i have such awesome friends? why would my family be so awesome? my would my guy be as aweosme as he is? I am overweight, yes. I dotn have the prettiest face and at times i can be a huge BITCH but its me, either take the package, or leave the whole thing, and i dont give refund on broken hearts
<3 <3 <3
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