Sunday, June 6, 2010

Tiger Woods: The Men like Him.

Alright, so everyone knows Tiger Woods. Famous for putting going balls deep into more than one kind of hole. But what I am hear to rant about today is the men and women like him. Cheaters, and ones who apologize and expect to be forgiven. You committed adultry. You slept with another person after giving promise to another that you wouldnt. That right there should be enough guilt to stop any cheater in their tracks, but sadly it isnt. Men and women like that are no good. You have broken your sacred word. You have lied to both yourself, and at least one other human being. 

And I dont care if you have issues with your image or whatever, you dont need to prove your self worth by becoming a worse person than before. Sex is no way to prove your self, its no way to show people what you are made of. Life is not a porn, so people dont need to have sex with everybody. Find hobbies that dont include you and someone elses body parts, maybe work on your relationship with the person. People dont deserve to be cheated on.

What pisses me off even more is the people who cheat on their SOs and then apologize and think everything is going to be okay. I mean really? People say "I'm sorry" all the time for things they are not sorry for, what makes your sorry any different? You may really mean it but no one knows that. If you were really sorry you wouldnt have done it in the first place. And who says you are not going to do it again. Yeah you may say so, but you have already broke your word once, why not do it again? So you dont deserve to get a second chance, you deserve to be alone. The person you cheated on should leave you, let you feel the emotions of being hurt like you hurt them. and dont come crawling back, that is just pathetic and shows how desperate you are to be in control of someone to be playing a game of yo-yo. and dont say you love them, because if you truly loved them, then none of this would have happened.  I mean seriously, if you wanted casual sex you should have stayed single and had casual sex, not get with some one and lead them on.

So go ahead and feel sorry for yourself because you are all alone and no one is leading your pity parade. You deserve it.

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